Let's try this again..

Hey Beauties!

        So I created this blog forever ago, initially for my Avon business.  Quite some time has passed and I no longer am an Avon representative, but my passion for makeup and beauty has only grown.

        I am going to try this blogging thing over again, and I will be sharing all sorts of beauty related posts, reviews, tutorials, sales, etc. 

        I want to start by giving a little glimpse into who I am.  I am a mother of 2 children and one fur baby.  I got into makeup when I was in the 6th grade.  I used to see my mom put makeup on before work and sometimes sneak into her makeup bag after she had left for work and use her blue eye shadow and mascara (don't judge it was the late 90's and blue shadow was THE thing then).  My love for eye makeup started early; eye shadow has always been my obsession.  Of course as I have gotten older I have seen the importance of skincare and foundation.  I gave up on my hair, it's thin and flat and it seems there is no escaping that.  I mostly focus on skincare and makeup. 

        Please take a look at my Instagram: @megz.loves.beauty and give me a follow.  I follow all of my supporters back and would love to see some new accounts and meet some new people!  

        Let me end with a question:  Whats one beauty product that's at the top of your wish list right now?


